02 October 2023 Welcome to Lou-Ann and Yohan
From October 1, 2023, two new PhD students will join the SAMS team:Within the framework of an ANR collaborative project with Prof. Andreea Pasc (Université de Lorraine) and Dr. Mihail Barboiu (IEM,...[more]
12 November 2019 Post-doctoral fellowship
One post-doctoral position is available in the SAMS Research Group starting from March 2020. For more details and to apply, please check the announcement on Portail Emploi.[more]
12 November 2019 Job offer: European Project Manager
A 12-month European Project Manager position is available in the SAMS research group from March 2020. For more information and application, please check the announcement on Portail Emploi.[more]
17 July 2019 HDR Defense
Dr. Gad Fuks has successfully defended her habilitation (HDR) entitled "Integration of molecular motions in polymer networks" in front of the following jury members: Prof. Alberto Credi (University...[more]
15 May 2019 ArtMoMa H2020 Marie Curie ITN project

The project ArtMoMa on artificial molecular machines has been granted 4.2 M€ by the European Union. Coordinated by our team, this project will involve the recruitment of 15 PhD students working in...[more]
15 April 2019 Summer School « Soft Matter and Smart Materials »

This European summer school, dedicated to the chemistry and physics of smart materials, is organized in collaboration with the Universities of Strasbourg and Freiburg (Germany). It will take place on...[more]
27 March 2019 Front cover for our work in Accounts of Chemical Research

Intensively used for more than 60 years in industry (in Xerox process, OLEDs, solar cells…), triarylamines have revealed only very recently their capacity to undergo supramolecular polymerization....[more]
06 March 2019 CCS Chemistry 1st issue now available

CCS Chemistry is the new Chinese Chemical Society’s flagship journal, publishing highly selected articles (about 150 in total per year) available in Diamond Open Access...[more]
07 January 2019 Welcome to Chloé and Lara
Dr. Chloé Laure, with a PhD in polymer chemistry, has joined our group since December 1st 2018 as post-doctoral fellow to develop the Dynamics project supported by SATT Conectus Alsace. Dr. Lara...[more]
05 October 2018 Our Angewandte Chemie paper on Supramolecular Electropolymerization selected as a “hot paper”

Reported in this article is that supramolecular nucleation‐growth of triarylamine monomers can be triggered by electrochemistry in various solvents. The involved mechanism offers new opportunities to...[more]