Collaborations and networks

Active collaborations

EPFL Prof. Michael Grätzel (EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland)
INM Prof. Aranzazu del Campo (INM, Sarrebrücken, Germany)
Université de Freiburg Prof. Andreas Walter (University of Freiburg, Germany)
Soprema Rémy Perrin (Soprema, Strasbourg, France)
Paris7 Prof. Eric Buhler (MSC, University Paris VII, France)
Firmenich Dr. Andreas Herrmann (Firmenich, Genève, Switzerland)
Prof. Jean-Marie Lehn (ISIS, Strasbourg, France)
IEM Dr. Mihai Barboiu (IEM, Montpellier, France)
Univ Stuttgart Prof. Sabine Ludwigs (University of Stuttgart, Germany)
 ECPM Prof. Jean-François Nierengarten (ECPM, Strasbourg, France)

European Collaborations Networks

Strasbourg Foundation for Research in Chemistry